Five ways you can help without donating

Preventing child drowning is crucial, and there are several ways you can help without donating to JJ’s Swim Angels (JJSA). Here are five ways to prevent child drowning:

1. Spread awareness: Educate yourself and others about water safety and the importance of adult supervision around bodies of water. Share this knowledge with friends, family, and community members through conversations, social media, or by organizing informational sessions.

2. Learn CPR and first aid: Acquire CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and first aid training. Being prepared to respond effectively in case of a water emergency can save lives. Many organizations offer CPR and first aid courses that you can attend.

3. Supervise children near water: Never leave children unattended near water, whether it’s a pool, bathtub, or any other body of water. Designate a responsible adult to actively supervise children when they are in or around water. This includes maintaining constant eye contact and avoiding distractions.

“The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.”

― Mahatma Gandhi

4. Teach swimming and water safety skills: Encourage parents and caregivers to enroll their children in swimming lessons and teach them essential water safety skills. Swimming lessons can provide children with the knowledge and confidence to navigate water safely.

5. Secure pools and water sources: If you have a pool or live in a community with pools or other bodies of water, ensure they have proper safety measures in place. Install barriers, such as fences and gates, to prevent unsupervised access to the pool area. Additionally, make sure that water sources like bathtubs and buckets are emptied immediately after use.

Remember, preventing child drowning requires a collective effort. By taking these steps and actively promoting water safety, you can help protect children and save lives.


A private philanthropy that provides education and financial support to parents and guardians seeking to learn about safe swim practices for infants and children.


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Infant/Child CPR

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